When your parent, grandparent, or loved one moves to a nursing home, you trust that facility to provide them with the best care possible. Any time they sustain an injury, you may begin to reconsider the safety of that facility. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the typical nursing home reports 100-200 patient falls each year, which equals more than two falls per patient, per year. If your loved one has sustained an injury in a nursing home, the staff of Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys can help you explore your options and ensure your loved one has the appropriate legal documents appointing agents to make legal and medical decisions on their behalf if they suffer a significant injury or death. This includes a Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Surrogate, and a Last Will and Testament.

Nursing Home Injuries

The nursing home’s staff assists with anything and everything, from providing food and medication to physical therapy and mobility assistance. While it’s easy to blame injuries on them, proving negligence in court is far more difficult. If you and your legal team can show that negligence played a role in a loved one’s injuries, the nursing home may be held liable for the damages. These might be injuries or incidents caused by the following:

  • Negligent staff training
  • Failing to provide for residents’ basic needs, such as food and water
  • Imposing dangerous physical restraints
  • Failing to protect residents from health and safety hazards
  • Medical neglect

When to Seek Legal Assistance

If your loved one was injured or neglected at a nursing home and you suspect that the facility may have been at fault, you have several options. An elder law attorney can offer guidance, assist in building a case, help navigate the legal system and, if necessary, refer you to a nursing home litigation attorney. Even if legal action isn’t advised, the experienced attorneys at Rooth & Rooth Elder Law can offer helpful information and connect you with the appropriate representatives from the nursing home facility or the agencies to report your concerns.

The Florida Department of Elder Affairs provides great resources regarding elder abuse, such as reporting instructions, the Elder Abuse Prevention Program, and other helpful services such as the Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.

Nursing Home Injuries Infographic - Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys

Contact Us Today

Our staff at Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys has decades of experience practicing elder law, and we’ve helped many families in Pinellas County explore their options when it comes to nursing home injuries and neglect. We’ll speak with you to learn the facts of your case and help determine which course of action will best protect your loved one. We’ll also help ensure that your loved one is in a safe environment and receiving kind, compassionate care from qualified professionals. Contact us today at (727) 397-4768 to schedule a consultation.